Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Leading-the-Self is a foundational discipline that needs to be practiced first before all other disciplines.  It gives power to the other disciplines since it enables the self to be real and alert.  Leading-the-Self is the discipline of taking time for personal reflection and intimacy with God.  It is taking care of one’s soul first before ministering to others.  It requires critical observation and self knowledge to hear and interpret what the physical body and emotions are saying.   This discipline often surfaces in solitude.  Jesus withdrew to “lonely places”.  The greater the demands of Jesus the more he prioritized his need for solitude.  [Luke 6:12]
Leading-the-Self requires intentional observation to see the true self with all its limitations and not build defense mechanisms to compensate.  It requires a humble attitude of brokenness before God, striving to live pro-gospel and counter-culture.   Leading-the-Self engages in confession by choosing to change the pattern of sinful behavior, and embraces detachment by rejecting idolatry in its many forms.  Leading-the-Self practices secrecy; forgetting the need for appreciation and running away from personal grandiosity, ministry gets done without the need for others to know “who you are”.  Lastly, leading-the-self requires submission – this is intentional and volunteer placing of oneself under the authority of someone else.

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