Saturday, September 24, 2011

responding to life’s challenges

Spiritual transformation happens in the context of everyday life as one cultivates a sense of reality and responds effectively.  The following five steps are based on Allender’s model described in his book “Leading With a Limp”:  (1) see, (2) understand, (3) act, (4) share, and (5) remember.  These steps provide a framework for understanding the rhythm of effectively responding to life’s challenges.  First, it is critical to see – face the current truth regardless of its difficulty.  Second, facing the facts is not enough; facts need to be understood in the context of their complexity.  Third, understanding has to move into appropriate action that transforms the heart (the core of being as a person).  Fourth, heart transformation occurs in community not isolation.  Fifth, finding ways to continually remember will fuse the new-found transformation to the innermost being of a person.

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